I didn't get a chance to watch a whole lot of baseball this weekend, but I watched a little of Sunday's game. I think I was able to watch innings 2-8.
Inning 5: Ryan Raburn (.306 OBP/.438 SLG/.744 OPS) pulls a high fastball about 450 feet off a left-handed Ryan Rowland-Smith into the left-center crowd to tie the game 1-1.
Inning 6: With Rowland-Smith out of the game, in comes right-handed Mark Lowe. Raburn's numbers drop off to (.311/.449/.787) vs RHP (for those of you keeping score at home, yes those numbers did go up. Raburn is hitting better against RHP than LHP). So, naturally, with two out and a guy on first, Jim Leyland takes Raburn out, and puts in left-handed Matt Joyce, he of the (.273/.507/.780 total; .280/.522/.802 vs. RHP) lines.
So, let's take stock. Jimmy takes a guy out of the game in the sixth inning, with two outs and a guy on first. He removes a player who hit a monster shot an inning ago, who is feeling pretty good about himself, for basically the same player who happens to hit left-handed, even though the guy he removed hits better against RHP than LHP, and oh by the way, has NOT been sitting on the bench all game. And for what? With a runner on third and less than two outs, I can see doing it. The 50 points extra SLG might get a warning track fly ball that brings in the run, which helps an offense that is sputtering. But with a guy on first and two outs, you should be letting the players play the game, and if a specialized situation presents itself, then go ahead and remove a player for one with 50 points more SLG. Maybe in the 8th or 9th.
Now, as it turns out, Joyce had a good at bat and drew a walk, which was followed by another walk, which was followed by a pop out. No runs scored, and a player who had to that point accounted for 100% of the offense to that point is no longer available.
Overmanagment is killing this team. Jimmy- please- put a lineup together before the game and do not touch it until the 8th inning at the earliest at home, 9th inning on the road, and even then, only if you need it.
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